File APK Google Play Dienste(Layanan Google Play) tidak cocok dengan Android 4.0.4. If (checkGooglePlayServices != ConnectionResult. Google Play services unduh untuk android 4.0.4 (Ice Cream Sandwich ). The app displays Google Play’s version number, the date it was installed in the device and date when Google play was last updated. It is used for quick monitoring of Google Play services’ current status. This component provides core functionality like authentication to your Google services, synchronized contacts, access to all the latest user privacy settings, and higher quality, lower-powered location based services. isGooglePlayServicesAvailable(m圜ontext) Play Services Info is a Utilities & Tools app created by Dominik Weber. Google Play services framework is used to update Google apps and apps from Google Play. Grab the Android Wear Google Play Services APK below, and it comes as version 9.8.41. Continue to accept all the apps and wait for the installation to complete. A new Google Play Services app and its APK is now available for the Android Wear watch, which today got the developer preview 3 of the Android Wear 2.0. Launch the installer APK file as shown below: Select the Install button. I'm building an app using google map v2, it requires google play services, so I added this validation to check for it: int checkGooglePlayServices = GooglePlayServicesUtil Download the Google Installer.apk and transfer it to Android phone storage.